Hooray - we've taken our first kindergarten field trip! Today, we headed to the Bartow History Museum for a lesson on Pioneer Days. We got to experience many of the things that pioneer children did many years ago. First, we took our first class bus ride. Here are pictures of all the students with their bus buddies!
Our first stop was the museum, where Ms. Amanda talked to us about pioneer life, including pioneer families' homes, how they got their food, and how they spent their free time. The students got to see many authentic museum pieces from pioneer days!

Then, we got the chance to participate in some neat pioneer activities. We learned all about pioneer children's days in the one room schoolhouse and practiced writing with quill pens and ink.
None of the children could believe the stiff punishments that were handed out to pioneer kids - paddlings, slaps on the hand with a ruler, standing on a tiny wooden block for a long period of time, wearing the dunce cap, and even completing difficult physical labor!
Then, it was time to learn how to churn butter. All the students got a chance to churn the milk into butter while we sang a song to help us keep the time:
Come, butter, come-
Come, butter, come-
Aeris is waiting at the gate
For a piece of butter cake!
Come, butter, come!
Just replace your child's name where you see Aeris, and you've got it!
After we finished our churning, we got to taste the butter we'd made.
Yum, yum!
Finally, here's a neat picture of the class waiting in line so patiently outside the butter churning room ... what wonderful kindergartners! Mrs. Jones was so proud of their excellent behavior on our first field trip!

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